Last night we called again for an ambulance to take my mom to the ER. We went to Baptist this time and she was admitted again. It has, so far, been a completely different experience than what we had at Sacred Heart. They did new knee x-rays in the ER and said her knee is still fractured and she was displaying symptoms of her CHF. We knew about 1am they were going to admit her, but a room didn't come available until 3. Her ER nurse came in and chatted whenever she had time -even showing us pics of her kids lol.
The doctor saw my mom today and said his plan is to keep her until Monday or Tuesday and then send her to rehab for 7-10 days. I am thrilled and praying and hoping and begging that the rehab helps her at least stand on her own again.
When she was admitted at 3am, they told her she would have to stay in the ER bed for about an hour and half because they special ordered a bed for her. Around 4 or so the bed showed up, they moved her and got her some pain meds for her knee. I left a few minutes after 5, to bed a few after 6. Didn't sleep well due to texts, calls and forgetting to turn off my alarm. When I got up I fed the animals and went to see my mom. She was still in pain but seemed to have a little better outlook. A little. The ortho doc came in while I was there and said he thinks what the other docs are calling a fracture is actually bonespurs breaking off. I don't know the difference, she hurts - thats what matters to me. He did give her an exercise or 2 to do until physical therapy comes in.
Rio has his consultation and possibly surgery on Tuesday 11/8.
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