Saturday, November 6, 2010

Frost Date - 11/6

We had our first frost last night. I think I have lost 3 of my squash plants.

   Yesterday I spent the day busily preparing for the cooler weather. I had a list of priority tasks needing my attention. Somehow, the priority list ended up being done in reverse which left my squash uncovered in the icy air.
  My dad helped me build a doghouse for Rio, my 2 1/2 year old yellow Lab. He is the definition of loyalty and companionship. Every night when I come home from work Rio is there waiting for me.  Storms, wind, cold - he is there waiting.  Hopefully he will figure out the doghouse and at least get out of the rain and wind.
Rio at "Barktoberfest"

I also cleaned out the chickenhouse and put a deep layer of wheat straw for the floor. My dad helped me again and we hung up a piece of plywood on the north wall to stop drafts.

  There are 4 people who make my life worth living - my niece and 3 nephews. Bridgett, my 20yr old niece, is working and putting herself through school. She wants to study to be an RN. Her brother, Billy, is my oldest nephew at 18yrs.  He has some learning disabilities - he also currently has an "A" in Calculus. They live in Texas.
   My sister's boys live here. Jared is 15 and a sophomore on the baseball and golf teams at his high school. Trevor is 12 and loves baseball. He plays baseball and can also give you any and every bit of trivia for MLB.
They are all my heart and soul.
All of that to say, my attempts at homemade butter and homemade pumpkin pie filling will be placed on hold because Jared has a baseball game this afternoon.

Somebody cover up the squash for me? And lock the door on your way out.

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